nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Foray into their world. A warm feeling amidst the chilling winter.
There were songs and prayers, laughter and dumplings, friendships rekindled and memories recounted.
The lepers village.
Some of them had coffins in their rooms. In preparation of an eventuality.
The dialect they spoke was unintelligent to me, just as mine was incomprehensible to them. I looked at an old lady and smiled, tried my best to convey my purpose to her with that smile.
A man in his 60s showed me pictures of his family. His son occasionally visits him. Sporadic nowadays. A teacher in the city. When will the visits stop? Maybe when the old man is no longer around? Why bother?

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