nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

0105's message stands in my room, and memories of them stands in my heart

Breakfast took me a day. Yesterday was fun! Went out with WT and ST in the afternoon. Pretty much crapped through the afternoon at Swensens' while indulging in the fantastic chocolate icecreams and banana crumbles! I discovered two great friends in WT and ST ! After so long of sabbatical, it is time to start making friends and landing everyone into trouble !
I can still remember what I had told Anand when we were in JC. School is a place where friendships are forged and memories are created. Academic studies certainly can take a backseat. After all, equipped with a book, any one can learn. So my main purpose is to enjoy myself in school. Through living every moment surrounded by friends and creating unforgettable advantures with them!

Now this is supposed to be about 0105! A class really full of energy! The class that speaks in mandarin! With so many chinese students and chess playing experts and Basketball enthusiats. This class can really get very noisy! But the more responsible of them will initiate the big SHHHH and quiet everyone down.

I had just gone for Laiping's CO and Band raphosdy concert! I slept through much of band's performance! Not that is was boring, just that I was too tired and the music too soothing and hence put me in a light doze. Woke up 20 minutes with a neck pain. then The CO portion came on. I beamed with pride as I know that Laiping is up there together with my size 32 pants! So I pried myself up from the most comfortable position and paid massive attention.

Soon I was slouching and racing back to dream land... As I drifted into and out of dreamland, my thoughts were hazy and bits and pieces of time spent with 0105 happened to appear. Their class had inspired one of my most hilarious joke: who will die during an MRT emergency!
Chee Yong and Nicholas always making fun of each other. Chee Yong make fun and Nicholas dumbstruck! Of Coz Chee Yong makes fun of Iris as well and Laiping. Then I make fun of Chee Yong!

I had thought I am a master of Lame Jokes. But one moutain higher than another. The whole class together make me rethink that notion and I humbly accept their superiority and copiously try to learn from them! I can see that 0105 has a strong class spirit, most of them will turn up for my chalet! Maybe that night we can go for night cycling or try something that pumps the adrenaline!

Their blue card stands on my study table. Lots of well wishes and praises! I certainly hoped I made their physics lessons more lively and entertaining. I rather call it my clutter table because I dont use it for studying. But rather, I allow a whole mess of things to build up. Then my mother will help me pack up and these stuff will mysteriously disappear! But my card, I have instructed her not to remove it! I hope to show the card to my son and daughter. To show to my grand children. That their dad and grand dad is a fun loving and adventurous person, that I have lived my life to the most I can squeeze out of it. That I tried my best to show concern and bring happiness to those I come across.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha thanks...what can i say? Fantastic people have fantastic friends :P