nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

It is a sunny night

Cheers! What can be so sad about life? Nothing except the loss of life can bring my mood down. As long as there is life there is hope! I used to enjoy the smell of the morning, the sounds brought alive by the dawn. I appreciate being alive and having freedom. I never use to think that being part of anything is a shackle. Because there is still freedom, freedom to work as you wish.. as long as you meet the deadline! Life is often full of compromises. even the sweet smelling roses have thorns. It is true also that people who matter to me get me down sometimes. Actually I do not have much luck with people. I wonder why. I have plenty of good friends.. yet the one special has not come along yet. But fear not. Tomorrow is a fresh new beginning. Let me sing all the songs I want tonight. Tomorrow, the new rays will bring along another set of songs, of brightness and hope! I was pretty engrossed with two book sby Jessica Adams. And blizmy! I am actually reading those feminine relationships novels. I must admit with all due respect the perspectives offered are close to reality. Guy like girl. Girl like guy. Guy slow. Girl loses interest, guy regrets. Or Guy like girl. Girl dont like guy. Guy try. Guy fails. try again. ouch! wall... try try try.. someone else meant for him comes along and Bingo! they are together. I must start practising how to write in a self deprecating manner and satirical style. Perhaps If i fail my med sch,, at least I can lead a secluded life writing romance stories, feeding the lonely souls on this planet!

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