nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Ah , It is Sweet!

Chocolates. I am popping plenty of chocolate buttons into my mouth. I know it makes me fat. What I know cannot be compared with what I feel. I feel fantastic as my teeth clamp down on those thick and aromatic dark spheres. Perhaps we are so limited by our own language, I cant even find a word close enough to describe the sensations on my taste buds. Chocolates are to me a symbol of love, of sharing and union. I offer chocolates to the ones I hold most dearly. I do not lightly give my friends chocolates. If I do give, it is with the most sincerity and anticipation. I had read somewhere that chocolates emulate the feelings of being in love. Identical chemical messengers are produced when you eat chocolate and when you are deeply in love. I also know that by sitting to the left side of someone, that person is more inclined to fall in love with you. Why is that so? Our heart being asymmetrical, has its apex pointing towards the left side.
I am in love and I cannot help it. My heart is residing beneath the bed of that special person. Hoping to take every possible opportunity to leap into the dreams and share a magical adventure. Alas, my heart also realise that all is futile. Even If it manages to land in her dreams, she would be too preoccupied by her own life to notice my heart's presence. So it shall just be contented to be there, pumping resiliently and assuringly for her. It will act as guardian and protector. Fending off all darkness and unhappiness. Sleep well, sleep tight.

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