nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Candles, flames and roaring babies

Let me talk about birthdays today. Let me describe those birthdays that left their candles still burning in my memory. I am doing so because this is a month of many candles. Of pleasantness and warmth. Just imagine a snowy season, a wooden cabin and a log fire. Of foxes and sparrows lingering outside. The windows are misty and you sit in your rocking chair. Waiting for a special moment. A special moment that you alone can choose how and what shall happen. So u rock to and fro, just happily concocting up sweet possibilities. I started having my birthday celebrated in JC. I remember the grass patch on which my friends stood around me and one of them holding the birthday cake, the rest chorusing to the birthday medley. It was after famine camp. Late at night, sunday night, in the middle of the hols. Sayanee, Anand, Elvin were with me for the camp. Chuantin had brought down the cake from home. They had prepared flour. AS had been the tradition among my class. Elvin was so close to dousing me with 1 kg of the flour. at least until he brought it up to his face and tearing the side closer to him. The wind couldnt have chosen a more opportune moment. The flour lapped up elvin's face hungrily. It was my 20th birthday. Next i recall in the same year. When my orientation group was still bonded by myself and edelene. MOE had not split them up yet. with all of us still in Aj. It was easy to get people out. That time Siru had her birthday. We thought it would be special for us to celebrate it. Dinner at Pizza hut. I had harmlessly said to Siru, she wouldnt dare to pour coke onto me. And she did not. Instead she splashed the coke. I was right after all. it was the first and only time in my life someone had wet me with coke intentionally. She had done it and maintained that innocent and saccharine glance. That became peripheral when we brought her out into the open to present the cake to her. After the song. After blowing out the candles. We told her to close her eyes and wish. Wish hard and remove the candles with your mouth. All wishes will come true. She did exactly. And our wishes came true. Everyone was waiting for something to happen. Just a guilty but mischievous look from Huixia tipped the scale and I held the base of the cake firmly as my other hand tried to push into the cake.. with Siru's head underneath of course. Of coz it was a fabulous moment. Photos of that chocolatey and spicy moment remain. Of coz, she came after me like a tiger. Of coz I was much faster than her to be dirtied by her. She had enough cream on her hair and face to wipe off and cover another person's face with whatever is left on her hands. I decided not to spoil her day by turning myself in. She turned me into half a chocolate cake. OK Two more birthdays this month. One of whom my very close friend, a buddy whom I grew up with. It is not presents that I want to give him. The cheap ones like mp3 players and gold chains I cant afford. But the inexpensive ones , that requires a large amount of patience, delication and friendship, I might just be up to it. I shall set a bbq for the ACES. 5 of us. Put in effort and heart to make it resounding. Then it would be edelene's bday. someone who stood by me through the noisy and throat hurting periods during our days as orientation leaders. the girl who gave me a box of ferraro rocher on my birthday. coincidentally during the famine camp. I was wise to keep the chocolates out of sight and away from any growling stomachs. So i shall hold another bbq, prepare all the food myself. Start fire, cook for them. Entertain them. let them live out the life of a king. or a queen. And just 1st of Oct was Mindy's bday, got her the duck that was so adorable to me. made her a test tube with gel and words of happy bday mindy. I enjoyed the process of creating something special for an equally deserving special occasion. So birthdays are anything but dull. You have friends who truly wish for your happiness, you feel the disappointment when you recieve so many presents but just not the one you hope that special person would give. You grow older. You add a year to your memory and another marker on the calender of your life. There was one who I wanted so much to celebrate her bday , but now she is just one whom i make an effort not to contact on her bday but wonder if the next msg that my hp conjures would come from her on mine.

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