nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Non Mihi Solum

The dinner has ended. A chapter has just been marked with a fullstop. Dreams, knowledge, fun, rebelliousness, tears, fear and many of those agonies and joys we experience on our way up have been summarized. Of coz, truly those memories will forever remain in our hearts, ready to be expanded at will and to be revisited or explored again.
My first encounter with Anderson was during my secondary sch days. Alwyas the sleepy head, I had overslept on the train, missing the Bishan stop. When I did wake up, I was past Yio Chu kang.when I did take the train back.. I took in the full aerial view of Anderson Jc. It had a warmth attached to the sight. (Of coz, during 1998 - 1999, there were two pretty ajc girls taking the same train at the same time as I.. or was it moi deliberate plan to catch the train at that precise moment? Hence moi jc choices naturally included AJc)
ok let me get to the point which I cant barely suppress. Non Mihi Solum. not for myself alone. Tonight, I felt the spirit of Ajc. I did not witness any miracle acts, did not hear any galliantry deeds or charity accounts. But among the 1500 people seated within that same dining room, I had sense a bond.. a bond that tells of love, of kindness and of giving and sharing.
Call it a sixth sense. I wish very strongly tonight that I had added sparks and glitter to the lives of those around me. Ajcians or not. I am sure I did. Yet tonight with the guidance of the words, non mihi solum. i realised it is not so much of a matter of whether I did, but whether I can do more.
Yes , in my capacity I am sure I can do so much more for those around me. I can reach out to people out of my life, but as long as my extended touch can brighten up their lives, it is something I should do, in the true spirit of Non Mihi Solum.
An envelope calling for donations was handed out to all. I put much of what was in my wallet into it. I took one home. Telling myself. One day I shall have a cheque inside it with more than 5 zeros perhaps.
Of coz it is not the amount that matters. It is what I can do within my abilities. I suddenly have this plan, next year, I shall volunteer to help tutor AJcians in maths chem and physics. taking two evenings or a sat afternoon to return to AJ. To that place which I can devotedly call my home. To help those who in turn will be able to help others just because I exhibited the spirit of aj. A spirit that lives in all of us the moment we are in Ajc. Doesnt matter we are here voluntarily or not, it is a magical quality because no explanations can be found for its existence. I shall try moi best to contribute yearly to the ajc funds, and iin future after I become a doctor, I shall think of new ways to carry on this spirit of Non mihi Solum. As for now,
I shall devote wot meagre time and strength I have into laying down the very fundamental building bricks of AJ : the students and the spirit.
As a footnote.. plenty of those ex ajcians who are past their 30s are out of shape. the women are still eye catching.. it is the guys. who are carrying pouches of fats ahead of them, their hair making way for the thinking cap and their shoulders shrinking to the size of a walnut.
I shall maintain a fit and compact body, comparable to the limits of moi mind.. I shall retain moi radiant and dashing appearance.. if not enhance it even more.
Ten years down the road. We shall see.

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