nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Etched upon my mind --- a fish burger

Yes, a fish burger. Something that is gripped with extreme intensity by my left hand. It had turned cold. Left undevoured long after it had left the sizzling pan. Cold and lumpy.
The reason for this blog, an ordinary fishburger that was meant to satisfy an ordinary hunger had taken on a new meaning. Orginally intended for my dinner, it now became the reward of which I had rightfully earned after ensuring another poor, itchy and red soul returns home safely and soundly.
Dinner has become a rarity . My hectic schedule does not allow the luxury of sitting down at dusk and replenish the drained soul in me. Usually a bun on a bus or a stick of grilled meat would be what comes closest to dinner. As had been the past 3 days. Tuitions after tuitions, rushing from one place to another.
Of coz I must not be complaining. After all was it not myself that had decided squeeze every single minute out of my free time? SO that the devil has no playground available in me. Yes, I must admit depsite the tiring schedule, I do enjoy this sort of lifestyle. Comforted by the fact that If i were not spending it constructively, I would be spending it destructively. Maybe not self destructive, but enough damage caused to my pockets and wallet.
As i am typing, a voice captured my attention. I decided to cease the typing.
I was momentarily enchanted by the music of Chen Qi Zhen. The meaning of your travels. That is the title of the song.

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