nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Chelsea vs Barca 1-0

Be damned. It is after 6 in the morning and yet sleep would not come to me, as I lay on my bed for the past hour. I really wonder if it is a problem. For the past few days, I have been visiting the coffee shop downstairs for breakfast without a good night's sleep. At least I get some satisfaction from a full stomach. And that actually helps me sleep. I spent a good part of the night on the Champions League game Chelsea Vs Barcelona. A match that I have been waiting for since the draw spewed out this fixture back in May. I really like the cohesiveness of Chelsea, as well as the spectacular individual talents. They fought for every ball and once they were in possession, they attacked with such flair and speed that left me in eagar anticipation of a wondrous goal. I am glad that all the Chelsea fans were rewarded by Drogba's beast of a goal. He is fast becoming my favourite player. Even so, I have to admit he looks pretty ugly up front during the end of the match interview. Then again, I appreciate talents and hard work. Talents and hard work. Where are mine?
Today is going to be another hectic day, with me having to settle a few thousands for the trip, then there is a trip to school. And in the evening there would be training. What should I do for training today? My back and arms are still aching from monday's training. Sometimes I wish I am not captain and I can just follow whoever is leading training. But here I am, Captain of the team, I have to lead by example. And in my 23 years, I probably have found out that I am not a very good example. Then again it is Judo. At least it is something I have not let any one including myself down in the past two years. I certainly hope this year will go out with a bang.
What am I supposed to be writing? What do people reading this blog like to read about? I was on this book called the Game by Neil Strauss. Pick up artists are something new to me. Apparently there are hordes of guys out there really smooth with women and love nothing more than the challenge of scoring a chick on a night out. It waS quite an amazing book, not in that it offers plenty of pointers on how to approach a woman and really capture her attention. I believe I can do that when I want to but that is not really the point of the book. It explores the emotional vulnerability of the characters and the complexity of the relationships, as relationships go, they quickly go on a downward spiral once you stop treating your partner as an equal. Why am I writing a book review here? I must be too sleepy. Maybe I am just trying to see how fast I can type. Anyway, it does bring across a very good point when it mentions that all of us are in need of love and use all sorts of methods to obtain that elusive affection. From a school boy's crush to a teenager's relently pursue of his object of interests, to a girl's silent but persistent waiting. I also see many examples. I am not focusing on what I am trying to say. Maybe sleep is slowly creeping up on me. That book does not really apply here because the girls in the book have a different set of values. Sleeping around is really normal over in the land where the skin is fair with freckles and hair color range from brown to golden. Pick up artists remind me of Raymond. A great pal of mine, having spent many nights sleeping beside me, yah I really mean physically beside me. Not some out of mind zen concept. well to call Raymond an artist would be tad too generous, considering that I hold some of his darkest secrets and picking up girls is really something he is trying very hard to get the hang of. I hold secrets of many. From wankers to lovers. I do know them all. My favourite line when trying to squeeze a secret out would be: there is no one for me to tell, I can even offer you good opinion. Then you divulge a really insignificant information about yourself, trying to make it sound really important,all the better if it appears downright silly. After a few minutes of cajoling and you-can-trust me looks, the person's defense would be penetrated. This is especially so if in the first place he is willing to let people know he has a secret. That would mean he must be willing to share. However if resistence is stout, then go for the trade-you-a-secret tactic. Tell him a highly guarded secret another friend told you, bring him into the circle of trust and wheedle the secret out of him.
My middle finger on the right hand is deformed. The phalanges joint is enlarged. Maybe one of these days I can put it to use with good effect. Thou shalt not put down too much here, but a really divine plan hit me while I was in bed just now. It is so divine that it seems devilish. December is coming fast. I have a concert appointment with Wakin/Emil/Zhou Hua Jian! My favourite singer. I wonder if he is going to release a new album to coincide with his concert or if he is just going to spend all the time preparing for it. I used to be able to sing at least 3 songs from each of his albums. Recent years with the advent of Kboxes, I find no need to commit songs to memory, especially not that lyrics. Anyway the last time I watched his concert I had to leave before I ascertain there was no encore. It was something gnawing at me, what if I had left and he reappears on stage with another string of his best songs? Not a thoroughly enjoyable experience, but it was with a friend and her mum, what can I complain about? Especially when I was driven home. But then to miss even 5 minutes of his concerts is unforgivable! haha , this time round I shall enjoy the whole of the concert! Hope my lub lub will not tickle me during the concert. I tried recording his concert last time roound but the recorded sound was terrible. Hopefully I can do something about it next time. Then I will be going on a trip with my parents to malaysia. Some friend's wedding. I shall go there as the most eligible and promising son of singapore. I always like to be outstanding when I meet my parents' friends and their children. Sad to say, the company my dad keep doesn't really inspire excellent progeny.
On my Guanhong, I just checked my email. There is actually a visit to the Health promotion board. It is today at 2pm. There is introduction to physical activity, smoking control, and the preventive health sciences. I guess what I will see does not really fall in line with what I have been going. So I think I shall just pass that on. Just a few weeks ago LJ told me Jerry is going Australia to study medicine. Ah, another of my AJ friend going to be a doctor. There is Elaine, Amy, Janine, Choon Khiong and of course there is myself. A quarter of my class doing medicine, I guess it will really be a pleasure to meet these people in the hospital next time. Should I adress them as Doctor Loo, Doctor Kee or just by name? Or even better, nicknames! Anyway I do not yet have a nickname for Jerry. He is one rich fella I guess. I wonder what is he going to do with his tuition business. It seems to me some people can never get into medicine how they try, maybe they can if they try a few more time or a few more years.. and how it is easy for some. Heard somewhere the system over in Aussie is much more flexible and does not emphasize so much on hard core facts. I would relish that, but I guess an agile mind is not so agile without the springboard of cold hard facts. As i always realised during my rare forays back to school. Intelligent deductions were made on the basis of superior knowledge, not necessary a superior mind. Of which currently I possess neither. I do possess however a superior appetite.
In december there is also the call up back to army. I wonder when will I get my Captain rank and the salutes that accompany the rank. I do not really fancy any stint in army how ever short. Thank Guanhong for polyclinics and medical certificates. And finally there is a trip to Yunnan again. Anywhere overseas with mountains and sea, I would gladly accept and swap for Singapore, at least for a few weeks. I just had a realization a few seconds ago. I was very driven last few years, I probably took more tuitions and made more money than some of my comtemporaries and I think slightly more than half the population of Singapore. I was very driven because I just want to show others I can do what they cannot do. right Now I am slacking off, because my priorities might have changed. I still want to do what others cannot do, and that is the pursuit of happiness. It is not about making lots of money, though lots of money probably can make any one happy. Happiness is just about happiness, You earn money for many reasons but you dont try to be happy because of any thing else other than it being a necessity to be happy. Of course an exception would be to make others happy. Gifting to those who desire joy,through an unselfish act is happiness too. Right now I think it is too early to talk about bringing relief to people in Yunnan. Not when my stomach is growling. I better bring some joy to it.

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