nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am following the typhoon

Yes, in another 9 hours, I will be headed for a mad rush to the airport. I have spent the entire evening preparing for this trip. The entire evening deciding what to bring and how best to fit all these things in, into an already crammed army bag. It feels like going to war. I packed a first aid kid, resisted the temptation to bring valium along, not of much use anyway. I spent the evening walking with my parents, talking to them, knowing that I will miss them when I am away. I always miss those near to me when I am away. The longing actually starts before the trip. The knowledge that I will not see them for more than a week, not see YOU for more than a week, not see my uncle for more than a week, is a reminder of the importance you all are to me. I have a test tomorrow, some sort of test about different types of communication. I had missed all lectures and only attended one tutorial for this course. This kind of sums up my attitude towards my first academic year in NUS.I did not fail, though considering the amount of effort I put in, I should. And I had not expected much. ALl that does not matter , I passed, just a figure in the average, but that gives me a clean slate to start next year. A new year as the Captain of the Judo club. Any way , back to my packing, and the preparations for the trip. This time we were responsible for our own planning. This is so different from the trip I made in Dec last year. The planning was fun, bordering on tediousness and adventurous. We had to work within out budget, no more sponsors this time. With luck, we found an extremely cheap airline, hopefully the planes are functionally not reflective of the price of the tickets. I had just watched Poisedon yesterday, with something really precious in my arms. I certainly have no wish to experience the same kind of race for survival at a few thousands miles above ground. And even if disaster strikes, I do not think I have a bit of chance, with my enormous mass, I will be headed for ground in record time. I called the one I lub. LUB DUB LUB DUB, without me around, maybe my lub can find solace in this blog. In a beat of the heart. SO we will be tranversing the whole of Taiwan, sounds cool, considering each train or bus trip planned for is planne for without much room for error. I would think that missing any would set us back by at least a day. Well, take it easy, I am going for a holiday, not a war. Not a truly well deserved holiday though. I have been on holiday since the start of school and what a grand holiday it has been. Usually when I am away from my blog, I would think of plenty I can write here. My thoughts would just wonder, just like the clouds as they drift over you, cover you in shadows and when you expect them to hang around, they are gone and you are basked in sunlight again. What glorious sunlight, what warmth and the glare that hurts. It seems so naturally you expect it to last, it too is replaced. I have been downloading song s that I can enjoy on the plane. Out of no where my comp starts playing this touching tune and I cannot find the player item. SHall I bother about that?Don't think so, my eyes are real tired. I will miss PI PI, but some one said something about absence and fondness right? Bon vovage!

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