nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.

About Me

Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Error on page

Today : weather was hot, not too hot. Sun was not out for too long.
I slept. Despite feeling very hot. Slept because I needed the
sleep. Woke up feeling less sleepy. But somehow I felt lost. My handphone was not with me. I remained uncontactable throughout the day. I hallucinated. Thought someone important sent me a msg to see if I am fine. Was vaguely disappointed when reality checked in on me. No vibration from my pockets. Slight tremors of my thigh muscles. Reaction to the heat. To the hot weather.

Today : weather was warm. warm enough to make me sweat. I stared at the sky. Clouds. Clouds abound. My eyes locked onto the white clouds. My mind soared into them. I started to sing. Sang songs which were a few years old. These songs triggered off memories. Memories of a particular afternoon. All because of the warm weather.

Today : moist. The moisture was apparent. It clung onto the back of my shirt. It trickled down my forehead. It made me wringle in discomfort. Perhaps I had experienced similar afternoons. Afterall, in Singapore, afternoons were always these hot, aren't they. I miss certain afternoons dearly. They go back way in time. The afternoons in Ang Mo Kio. Those afternoons that I danced and jiggled. The moisture is getting to me.

Today : Amok. My thoughts ran amok. Apparently when one is left with nothing to do, locked feelings and memories resurface. I was back to 3 years ago. Another sunny afternoon. The strange thing abt memories is that you can visit a few at one shot. So I was not sure I was out of school or I was still in school. There was a kind of superimposition. I was every where at once. Similar faces were reconstructed. I saw them, those I miss alot. Not with my eyes. In my head. As I said, my thoughts ran amok.

Today : I miss the good old times. There were so much of them, I cant be sure which one i miss more. I guess as long as they are good old times, I miss them! Is the present not good enough? Why do we look back. Or does the past come back? I still remember the first day I stepped into AJ. Remembered the first time I told a look at the timetable. There were so many first times in that place. How can I have forgotten. Good old times are meant to be missed.

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