Important during interviews, always maintain a relaxed smile and look sincerely or as attractively as possible at the interviewers. Some of the questions they ask you would be nerve rattling remain composed and answer them. If you have no clue to a factual question posed, just admit it and say you will look it up. Creativity is also encouraged while answering questions, but you should remember to remain within the realms of reasonability.
Essay question:
How important is good professional behavior as a selection criterion for med school?
Interview questions:
(For those in SRP)
Were you inspired by your science research program mentor?
(For those who like Music)
So you like Beethoven, what mental problem do you think he had?
Why don't you want to do music instead of medicine?
Why do you like music and medicine, these two are so different.
(For those who like science)
Why don't you want to do research instead?
General questions
Name an experience that has changed your life?
Name me a person who has changed your life and why?
Who inspired you to do medicine?
Why don’t you want to be a nurse instead?
Because I want to be a doctor more than anything. Doctors/dentists perform different functions from a nurse. Doctors/dentists are at the frontline of medical care and have certain responsibilities entrusted upon them. They have the knowledge and ability to make diagnosis and initiate treatment. A good doctor is the difference between life and death or suffering for a seriously ill patient and I want to be that doctor. The training that doctors undergo is different from that of a nurse, they learn how to recognize symptoms, they learn what to do in surgery, what medication is required for different illnesses and so on. I believe I can learn all of that and excel at them. At the end a doctor will be at the head of a team that provides medical care for patients, the team will include nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists etc. It is all because of his medical know-how and leadership.
What qualities do you possess that would make you a good doctor?
I have the ability to remain calm in times of stress. It is a very important trait when facing life and death situations. I have the ability to take the load of medical school, to fully integrate the things I learn and apply them to real life situation. This is exemplified by my ability to cope with both studies and the demands of CCA in secondary school and JC.
I have a passion for the profession. I grew up knowing what I really want and will relish the opportunity to be able to achieve my dreams. With this passion, I will not only strive to do well but to excel in medical school and in the hospitals.
Why should I choose you ahead of other applicants?
Maybe you can list an experience that is totally unique to yourself and the lessons you learnt from that experience. Example: I grew up in a poor family, everything that I had achieved were due to my hard work and my parents’ belief. I had no tuitions, no encyclopedia or computer when I was growing up. I learnt how to be really good at what I am doing by rolling up my sleeves and working really hard. I can take hardship and this is something that not every one who scores all distinctions can do. I travel an hour to school and an hour back everyday and I learnt to make use of the time to improve myself. I work during vacations and I mingled with adults and learnt many life lessons from them. (You must be prepared to list an example if they ask further). I know I will meet with setbacks along the way but I am going to stand up and try again. There may be many bright students who are also star athletes out there vying for the same post. However, they may know all about success, what do they know about defeat? I say I know both.
Cancer in Singapore & infectious diseases, what do you know about them?
Lung cancer is the leading cause of death for guys and breast cancers for women. Then stomach cancer for both. Ear nose throat and prostate quite high for guys and ovary and lung also high for women. Infectious disease: SARS a
If you put the course you are receiving the interview for as second choice then you must be prepared to explain the reason as well.
What weaknesses do you have?
Name me your priorities in life.
If you value your family so much, I am going to tell you that you would have no time for your family in this occupation. Please respond to this statement.
I will try my best to make time for my family. They are important because at the end of the day they remain the most important sanctuary. I think my family will know my dreams and would wish to see me succeed in this chosen path, so they will understand that I have to sacrifice time spent with them on work. I can always hire external help like a maid to help with daily chores. Very crucially, an open communication pathway must be there between my family and me. If I really have no time, I will perform my duties to my best abilities. Still, I will try to squeeze that extra hour I can by sacrificing my leisure time, my sleeping time to be with my family.
How do you think you can contribute to our organization?
I intend to do (accounting/business/ management of business) in university. With my academic record and I also have confidence in my natural abilities, I will go into the course with focus and determination to learn as much as possible. With the knowledge I glean from my course, I will be able to apply them in real life situations. Also I have good interpersonal skills. I was a student leader in school and have been in situations where I have to resolve conflicts, have to motivate people and also to be part of a team player.
If we were to offer you another scholarship that is different to what you have applied for, would you take it?
A friend applied to do history and political sciences in university but the scholarship board asked if he would like to do economics instead and also why is he changing his mind.
Why do you want to be a healthcare personnel in times of SARS?
It is a job someone has to do. I am fully trained and hence I am qualified to do.
Are you not afraid of the disease?
I am afraid of the disease. Hence the need to take preventive measures while dealing with potentially infected patients.
Who is the minister for finance?
Mrs Lim Hwee Hua is the minister for finance and transport.
Who is the minister for Health?
Minister for Health: KHAW Boon Wan
A pregnant lady comes into the ward after a traffic accident, her life is in serious condition and you try to deliver the baby at the risk of her life or do you try to sustain her life while at the risk of causing irreversible damage to the baby?
Assess the mortality risk of both the mother and child, consult other colleagues and then make a decision. That is where training in school comes in and would be something I will be working hard in. With a sound foundation and good judgment, I would be in a good position to assess such a situation. I would also inform the next of kin of the situation and assure them that the option taken up is the best possible course in the light of everything.
Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor or instructor? How did you resolve the conflict?
Tell me about a major problem you recently handled. Were you successful in resolving it?
Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?
What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or on the job?
What were your reasons for selecting your college or university?
How will the academic program and coursework you've taken benefit your career?
How would you describe yourself?