nothing could aptly describe. no one can rightly challenge. no soul could seemly defy. welcome to my world. where i make the rules and you stick by them.
About Me
- a name no longer mentioned
- Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice When you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
It is amazing what people believe in!
uiding Principles of the Order of the Morning Star are as follows:
1) We worship and honor Lucifer as a Deity.
We see Lucifer as our true God, and seek to serve him and in return accept his gifts to humanity. He is our true creator, and the rightful God of the Earth and Hell. Lucifer asks nothing in return for his gifts, other than we continue to better ourselves and seek divinity and enlightenment. Therefore, we have made the conscious choice to worship Lucifer as our Lord in return for the sacrifices he has made and will continue to make for humanity.
We believe Lucifer and Satan are the same entity as Satan simply means “Adversary” in Hebrew, and Lucifer is of course an adversary to Jehovah. Lord Lucifer has two aspects to his Being. The more Luciferian side equates to the Latin meaning “Light-Bringer.” This side empowers the intellect and promotes enlightenment. The Satanic side of our Lord emphasizes passion and primal desires and urges. We embrace both of these sides and promote the balance of each. This is evident in the symbol of Baphomet which balances light and dark, hate and love, masculine and feminine, etc. and combines them into one powerful union.
Unlike some groups, we do not believe that Lucifer/Satan is a part of the mind, an alien, one of the pagan deities, just one of the many gods/goddesses out there, or that we are presently in His reign on Earth. He is in fact the former angel who led the uprising against Jehovah, and as a result became the God of humanity. We believe the ancient pagan deities were demons, but none of them were Lord Lucifer himself. Although we consider Lord Lucifer the God of this Earth, we realize he does not rule it unhindered as of yet, for the Holy Spirit is still present on this Earth. However, we are preparing for His reign and at that time he will have His place as rightful God of the Earth.
2)We recognize Lucifer and the Demons as teachers and guardians of humanity.
Demons are the ones known as “Fallen Angels.” They fell from Jehovah’s Grace because they chose to follow Lucifer’s desire to help humanity. Before the Great Flood, many angels interacted with mankind. Enoch served as messenger between the Watchers and Jehovah as discussed in the Book of Enoch. The demons taught humans many things and even shared intimate relationships with them. However, in Jehovah’s mind, these Watchers should do just that, Watch. Those that followed Lucifer however wished to help humanity develop and grow. This is what resulted in the first War in Heaven. Jehovah was so angered and threatened by the prosperity of humanity that he chose to flood the Earth and destroy everyone but Noah, even innocent children. Lucifer led a group of angels to revolt against Jehovah in an attempt to stop the Flood. Unfortunately, Lucifer lost the battle, and in turn lost his seat next to Jehovah
The word demon originally came from the Greek word “Daemon,” meaning guardian in Greek. We believe that all of the ancient Pagan deities were in fact demons who went by different names. These Demons taught their civilizations various stories of creation and creeds to fit their purpose for each society. As far as what Demon was which god or goddess or which Demon was the creator God in which mythology, we do not feel that matters, for we know that Demons interchanged roles and names quite often. We honor these ancient deities as they were responsible for many of the great civilizations such as Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Ancient Greece, and Rome. These civilizations all flourished their most before Jesus Christ placed the Holy Spirit on Earth. When Jesus died, he in fact placed the Holy Spirit on Earth and since then Pagan societies have practically died out.
The patron Demons of the OMS are Paimon, Dagon, Beleth and Belial. The Demon Mephistos also acts as a major guide and instructor for OMS members. He has offered to teach any of our members who visit him in Hell.
3)We acknowledge the divine potential in every human being.
Once we open our minds and unite as one, nothing is impossible. In fact, this has been shown during the time of the Tower of Babel. The people all shared a common language, and were truly united as one. Nothing was impossible for them, and they could build a tower reaching toward the heavens if they so chose. However, as always, Jehovah fought any chance at humanity becoming even close to divine. According to Genesis 11:6-8, Jehovah said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing will be impossible for them. Come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” Jehovah throughout history has fought progressive civilizations. The most notable example was Atlantis also known as Enoch. The Order of the Morning Star promotes and encourages humanity’s pursuit of divinity and supports all advancement of knowledge without limitations.
4) We believe that human beings should recognize and act upon their true Nature.
Humans were created with natural emotions, ranging from love to hate. All of these emotions are acceptable as part of human nature. Nothing natural can be sinful period. The Christian church has brainwashed society into believing that natural desires are evil. Good and Evil is all relative. The fact that Jehovah claims to have created mankind in his image is proof that even he acknowledged our natural feelings. However, he chose to use it is a means to control humanity and treat us as mindless zombies doomed to wander the Garden of Eden in ignorant bliss for eternity. Jehovah and his followers do not have a right to choose what is deemed a sin, and therefore we do not acknowledge their definition of sins. We instead choose to follow what Nature has given us, and act upon our true desires. Satan inspires the passion in us, and teaches us to use our emotions to further ourselves. We acknowledge that Lucifer was a prideful being, but he had a right to be. We all have a right to show pride in ourselves and our accomplishments. However, even he was willing to give up his own seat next to Jehovah for humanity, so he was not so full of pride that he lost his love for mankind, unlike Jehovah.
5) We plan to spread enlightenment amongst all of Humanity
In the Garden of Eden, Lucifer offered Eve a chance to partake from the Tree of Knowledge. He chose to do this so that mankind could learn true knowledge and be divine in their own right. He told Adam and Eve the truth, that they would have knowledge of good and evil. In fact, this truth can be found in the Bible itself, the very place Christians try to preach that Lucifer is evil. Lucifer told Eve in Genesis 3:4-5, “you will surely not die for god knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god, knowing good and evil.” Lucifer did not deceive mankind as Christians claim. He spoke the truth from the very beginning.
The Order of the Morning Star seeks to continue the spread of enlightenment amongst humanity through promoting spirituality, teaching meditation techniques and magick, and encouraging all New Age practices. We are soon to enter the age of Aquarius, leaving the Age of Pisces behind. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Lucifer! The age of enlightenment is being ushered in as well by emergence of the Indigo Children, spiritually gifted children born starting in the late 70’s. We seek to identify these children and help them develop their unique psychic gifts.
6)We intend to prepare the world for Antichrist’s reign and the true Luciferian Order.
We believe the time of Lucifer’s reign is close. We understand that this also means what the Christians call the End Times is near. In fact, it does mean it will be the end times for Christianity, yet a new beginning for Lucifer and humanity. We believe in the Rapture as well, a time when Jehovah will take all of his followers off this Earth. It is necessary to rid the world of the Holy Spirit in order for humanity to truly become enlightened, for Jehovah has constantly held society back. We believe there is an Antichrist, someone chosen by Lucifer to lead his reign as well Prophets chosen to spread Lucifer’s message. As an international organization, we are looking for people who wish to prepare for Lucifer’s reign of power. We recognize that everyone has a unique talent or gift that they could offer Lucifer. We seek to put Luciferians into political office, militaries, businesses, news media, etc. We want our people in all walks of life so that when the Rapture occurs, Luciferians are in place to usher in the New Age.
7)We will unite the world under the Luciferian Order
Once the Rapture has occurred and true Christians are taken out of the way, Lucifer will be free to spread enlightenment amongst humanity. Nothing will be impossible for humanity then. Just as Jehovah seals his followers into a fate of existing as a mindless puppet for eternity, Lucifer also has a seal for his followers, but his Mark offers those who take it freedom, enlightenment and empowerment. There will come a time during Lucifer’s reign that the Antichrist will offer an amazing gift to all of humanity in the name of Lucifer. It will be Lucifer’s Seal. Through accepting the Mark, everyone will become overwhelmed with energy and feelings of empowerment. The world will be united as one.
8) We will fight those who oppose our Lord Lucifer and prepare for the Final Battle against the Christian false god, Jehovah.
We acknowledge Jehovah as the enemy in all three forms, The Father (Jehovah), Jesus Christ (the son), and the Holy Spirit. However, we must fight Jehovah in whatever form he takes as he is one in the same, a violent, destructive, vengeful god. He showed his true colors in the Old Testament through his destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, killing innocents in the Great Flood, as well as tempting and testing his followers until their life became utter misery. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ informs mankind that they can only be saved through worshiping his father, and that if they reject him they are doomed to suffer eternal torment. He informs of us natural disasters, war and plague to come all as signs of his return. No loving god would use such pain and destruction as signs of returning for his people. In Revelations, we are reminded that Christ will return and engage Lucifer and his followers in battle, and later destroy the entire earth. It is Christ who says he will destroy Earth in time, not Lucifer. In Revelations, we are reminded of the many judgments that Christ will bring down to humanity such as turning water to blood, horrible boils and soars, locust infestations, etc. All of this simply because not everyone chooses to bow down to Jehovah. This is a declaration of war against humanity and we will not stand by and do nothing. The Order of the Morning Star acknowledges that there will be a final battle between Lucifer and Jehovah, and we must fight alongside our Lord Lucifer. The outcome of this battle will determine humanity’s fate. The only way the Earth can remain and humanity continue to exist will be for Lucifer to win this battle and we will fight along Lucifer’s side at all costs.
In modern and late Medieval Christian thought, Lucifer is a fallen angel commonly associated with Satan, the embodiment of evil and enemy of God. Lucifer is generally considered, based on the influence of Christian literature and legend, to have been a prominent archangel in heaven (although some contexts say he was a cherub or a seraph), prior to having been motivated by pride to rebel against God. When the rebellion failed, Lucifer was cast out of heaven, along with a third of the heavenly host, and came to reside on the world.
Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from lux, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), a Roman astrological term for the "Morning Star", the planet Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Greek eosphorus ("dawn-bearer"; cf. Greek phosphorus, "light-bearer") used by Jerome in the Vulgate. In that passage, Isaiah 14:12, it referred to one of the popular honorific titles of a Babylonian king; however, later interpretations of the text, and the influence of embellishments in works such as Dante's The Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost, led to the common idea in Christian mythology and folklore that Lucifer was a poetic appellation of Satan.
Lucifer is a poetic name for the "morning star", a close translation of the Greek eosphoros, the "dawn-bringer", which appears in the Odyssey and in Hesiod's Theogony.
A classic Roman use of "Lucifer" appears in Virgil's Georgics (III, 324-5):
- Luciferi primo cum sidere frigida rura
- carpamus, dum mane novum, dum gramina canent"
- "Let us hasten, when first the Morning Star appears,
- To the cool pastures, while the day is new, while the grass is dewy"
And similarly, in Ovid's Metamorphoses:
- "Aurora, watchful in the reddening dawn, threw wide her crimson doors and rose-filled halls; the Stars took flight, in marshalled order set by Lucifer, who left his station last."
A more effusive poet, like Statius, can expand this trope into a brief but profuse allegory, though still this is a poetical personification of the Light-Bearer, not a mythology:
- "And now Aurora, rising from her Mygdonian resting-place, had scattered the cold shadows from the high heaven, and, shaking the dew-drops from her hair, blushed deep in the sun's pursuing beams; toward her through the clouds, rosy Lucifer turns his late fires, and with slow steed leaves an alien world, until the fiery father's orb be full replenished and he forbid his sister to usurp his rays."
- Statius, Thebaid 2.134
In the Vulgate, an early-5th-century translation of the Bible into Latin by Jerome, Lucifer occurs in Isaiah 14:12-14 as a translation of the Greek word heosphorus ("dawn-bearer"), an epithet of Venus. The original Hebrew text of this verse was הילל בן שחר (heilel ben-schahar), meaning "Helel son of Shahar." Helel was a Babylonian / Canaanite god who was the son of another Babylonian / Canaanite god named Shahar.
Helel was the god of the morning star and his father was Shahar, god of the dawn. Some translations of Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning!" American Standard Version translating Hebrew Helel as "day-star" and the Hebrew word Ben as son and the Hebrew word Shahar as "of the morning." Others translate it as "Lucifer, son of the morning" 21st Century King James.
In Isaiah, this title is specifically used, in a prophetic vision, to reference the king of Babylon's pride and to illustrate his eventual fate by referencing mythological accounts of the planet Venus:
- 14:4 You will recite this parable about the king of Babylonia: How has the oppressor come to an end, the arrogance been ended?
- 14:10 They will all proclaim and say to you, "You also have been stricken as we were; you are compared to us.
- 14:11 Brought down to the nether-world were your pride and the tumult of your stringed instruments; maggots are spread out under you, and worms are your covers.
- 14:12 How have you fallen from the heavens, O glowing morning star; been cut down to the ground O conqueror of nations?
- (Isaiah, Artscroll Tanakh)
The Jewish Encyclopedia reports that "it is obvious that the prophet in attributing to the Babylonian king boastful pride, followed by a fall, borrowed the idea from a popular legend connected with the morning star".[1]
In modern Jewish theology, Helel in Isaiah 14 is not equated with the Jewish concept of HaSatan (the adversary). Instead, the prophet is speaking of the fall of Babylon and along with it the fall of her false gods Helel and Shahar. There is satan which is a Hebrew word meaning "adversary" and in the Tanakh one will find many instances of the word used to describe human and angelic adversaries to man.
Later Jewish tradition, influenced by Babylonian mythology acquired during the Babylonian captivity, elaborated on the fall of the angels under the leadership of Samhazai ("the heaven-seizer") and Azael (Enoch, book vi.6f). Another legend, in the midrash, represents the repentant Samhazai suspended star-like between heaven and earth instead of being hurled down to Sheol.
The Helel-Lucifer (i.e. Venus) myth was later transferred to Satan, as evidenced by the 1st-century pseudepigraphical text Vita Adae et Evae (12), where the Adversary gives Adam an account of his early career,[2] and the Slavonic Book of Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4), where Satan-Sataniel (Sataniel/Satanel "The Keeper of Hell") (Samael?) is also described as a former archangel. Because he contrived "to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble 'My power' on high", Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, to fly in the air continually above the abyss.
Christian tradition of a literal fall from heaven drew upon the Homeric tradition, familiar to every educated Gentile Christian. Homer's description of the parallel supernatural fall
- "the whole day long I was carried headlong, and at sunset I fell in Lemnos, and but little life was in me"
relates the fall of Hephaestus from Olympus in the Iliad I:591ff; the fall of the Titans was similarly described by Hesiod. Through popular epitomes these traditions were drawn upon by Christian authors embellishing the fall of Lucifer.
Jerome, with the Septuagint close at hand and a general familiarity with the pagan poetic traditions, translated Heylel as Lucifer. This may also have been done as a pointed jab at a bishop named Lucifer, a contemporary of Jerome who argued to forgive those condemned of the Arian heresy. Much of Christian tradition also draws on interpretations of Revelation 12:9 ("He was thrown down, that ancient serpent"; see also 12:4 and 12:7) in equating the ancient serpent with the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the fallen star, Lucifer, with Satan. Accordingly, Tertullian (Contra Marrionem, v. 11, 17), Origen (Ezekiel Opera, iii. 356), and others, identify Lucifer with Satan.
In the fully-developed Christian interpretation, Jerome's Vulgate translation of Isaiah 14:12 has made Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel, who must lament the loss of his original glory as the morning star. This image at last defines the character of Satan; where the Church Fathers had maintained that lucifer was not the proper name of the Devil, and that it referred rather to the state from which he had fallen; St. Jerome gave it Biblical authority when he transformed it into Satan's proper name.
It is noteworthy that the Old Testament itself does not at any point actually mention the rebellion and fall of Satan. This non-Scriptural belief assembled from interpretations of different passages, would fall under the heading Christian mythology, that is, Christian traditions that are derived from outside of church teachings and scripture. For detailed discussion of the "War in Heaven" theme, see Fallen angel.
In the Vulgate, the word lucifer is used elsewhere: it describes the Morning Star (the planet Venus), the "light of the morning" (Job 11:17); the constellations (Job 38:32) and "the aurora" (Psalms 109:3). In the New Testament, Jesus Christ (in II Peter 1:19) is associated with the "morning star" (phosphoros).
Not all references in the New Testament to the morning star refer to phosphoros, however; in Revelation:
Rev 2:28 And I will give him the morning star (aster proinos).
Rev 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and morning star (aster orthrinos).
In the Eastern Empire, where Greek was the language, "morning star" (heosphorus) retained these earlier connotations. When Liutprand, bishop of Cremona, attended the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II in 968, he reported to his master Otto I the greeting sung to the emperor arriving in Hagia Sophia:
- "Behold the morning star approaches, Eos rises; he reflects in his glances the rays of the sun— he the pale death of the Saracens, Nicephorus the ruler." [1]
Freemasons have been accused by various Christian organisations of worshipping Lucifer, despite the fact that Freemasonry is not a religion, and has members from many religions including Christianity. This theory originates in a hoax perpetrated by Léo Taxil, who had himself been expelled from Freemasonry within months of joining. According to the hoax, leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "the 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world", instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai. Taxil also promoted a book by Diana Vaughan (actually written by him) that purported to reveal a highly secret ruling body called the Palladium which controlled the organisation and had a Satanic agenda. As described by Freemasonry Disclosed in 1897:
- With frightening cynicism the miserable person we shall not name here [Taxil] declared before an assembly especially convened for him that for twelve years he had prepared and carried out to the end the most sacrilegious of hoaxes. We have always been careful to publish special articles concerning Palladism and Diana Vaughan. We are now giving in this issue a complete list of these articles, which can now be considered as not having existed.[3]
Despite the fraud having been revealed for over a century, Pike's spurious address and other details of the hoax continue to be quoted by anti-masonic groups.[4]
In the The Urantia Book, published in 1955, Lucifer is a brilliant spirit personality, a "son of God" who at one time ruled this constellation of 607 inhabited planets. He fell into an iniquitous rebellion against the ordained universe governmental regime in a denial of God's existence saying he was God. "There was war in Heaven" but, according to The Urantia Book, the story has become convoluted over time.
Lucifer recruited Satan, another brilliant being of the same order, to represent his cause to the universe authorities on earth. The then planetary prince of earth, Caligastia - one and the same as "the devil", believed Lucifer's cause and subsequently aligned himself, along with 37 other planetary princes in the system, with the rebels. They all attempted to take their entire populations of their planets under the assertion of a false doctrine, a "Declaration of Liberty" which would have driven them to darkness, evil, sin and iniquity.
When Jesus of Nazareth went up to Mount Hermon for the "temptation", it was really to settle this iniquitous rebellion for the triumph of the entire system. "Said Jesus of Caligastia: "Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast down." Subsequently, Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and all the personalities who followed them, figuratively "fell from Heaven". They were actually and literally all "dethroned and shorn of their governing powers" by the appropriate universe authorities and most have been replaced. Subsequent to their efforts to corrupt Jesus while incarnated in the flesh on earth, any and all sympathy for them or their cause, outside the worlds of sin and rebellion, has ceased.
Because the planet Venus (Lucifer) is an inferior planet, meaning that its orbit lies between the orbit of the Earth and the Sun, it can never rise high in the sky at night as seen from Earth. It can be seen in the eastern morning sky for an hour or so before the Sun rises, and in the western evening sky for an hour or so after the Sun sets, but never during the dark of midnight.
Venus (Lucifer) is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. As bright and as brilliant as it is, ancient people couldn't understand why they couldn't see it at midnight like the outer planets, or during midday, like the Sun and Moon. Some believe they invented myths about Lucifer being cast out from Heaven to explain this. Lucifer was supposed to shine so bright because it wanted to take over the thrones or status of Saturn and Jupiter, both of which were considered most important by the worshippers of planetary deities at the time.
In Romanian mythology, Lucifer (Romanian: Luceafăr) means the planet Venus and some other stars. It is also linked with Hyperion, a figure who animates bad spirits (but is not the Devil himself).
- "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heav'n." —Paradise Lost, Book I, 263
Lucifer is a key protagonist in John Milton's (1667) Protestant epic, Paradise Lost. Milton presents Lucifer almost sympathetically, an ambitious and prideful angel who defies God and wages war on heaven, only to be defeated and cast down. Lucifer must then employ his rhetorical ability to organize hell; he is aided by Mammon and Beelzebub. Later, Lucifer enters the Garden of Eden, where he successfully tempts Eve, wife of Adam, to eat fruit from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Lucifer naturally makes appearances in fiction offering a suggestion of esoterica.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006Wednesday, October 18, 2006Match report: Chelsea 1 Barcelona 0
The perfect start to the Champions League campaign continues with the scalping of the European Champions, courtesy of another unforgettable strike by Didier Drogba.
Petr Cech, watching from his hospital bed, received the perfect tonic as he saw his stand-in, Hilario, cheered off the pitch; Lampard and Essien drive their Barcelona equivalents back time and time again while the hyper-confident Drogba worried the Spaniards defence to a degree that anyone will do very well to match this season. His fourth European goal leaves him clear as current Champions League top scorer. Twenty-four hours earlier, José Mourinho had listed his striker as a fitness concern, but he plus Ashley Cole and Claude Makelele were declared fit enough to start. That meant all change at full-back from the Reading game with Khalid Boulahrouz moving across the right side and Ricardo Carvalho restored to the centre. With Michael Ballack available, the diamond midfield was restored with Andriy Shevchenko and Drogba paired up front. While most eyes after kick-off would soon be on a debutant in goal, in the minutes beforehand, a recently departed favourite who had played 263 games for Chelsea was thanked. Barcelona’s centre-forward on the night, Eidur Gudjohnsen, received a special presentation to a tremendous ovation and from that point, the atmosphere began to warm-up. The 35,000 flags distributed proved an undisputed success as the stands turned blue and white to the strains of ‘Blue is the Colour’, belted out by an opera singer. The spectacle continued as the two teams emerged and on through the Champions League anthem. Chelsea responded with a positive start, embodied by Terry carrying the ball deep into the Barcelona half like a latter day Beckenbauer, forcing a mistake from the defence before crossing too strongly. Edmilson attempted an early test of Hilario from 35 yards out but got no power or direction on his shot. As Chelsea responded with an attack, Drogba was scythed down by Zambrotta out wide as the Blues continued to look capable of troubling our fluorescent orange-coloured opponents. Zambrotta was next seen in attack, air-kicking at a chance at the far-post as the Chelsea goal looked briefly exposed. On 16 minutes, Mourinho’s men looked to have broken through the final line of the Barça defence. Essien superbly powered past Deco and found Drogba whose shot was prodded past keeper Valdes. Rolling goalwards, it was cleared just in time by stretching Marquez. Shevchenko, who had also been chasing in, was then upended by the same defender with the ball escaping. The Ukrainian claimed a penalty, the ref gave a corner. When the ball came over, Sheva reached it first but headed off-target. On 23 minutes came Hilario’s first test and and he passed it with confidence. Chelsea allowed themselves to become outnumbered as Barça broke. Xavi found Messi who from a tight angle still shot on target. The Chelsea debutant keeper demonstrated a strong wrist to push the ball out. On 29 minutes the Portuguese again acquitted himself well — saving low at his near post from Xavi after a very good Barcelona move in which Ronaldinho’s speed of thought was key. It took a very well judged sliding challenge from Carvalho to end Messi’s menacing run into the box as half-time approached. The Argentine was booed at every opportunity for his part in the Del Horno red card here back in February. A Chelsea corner a minute before the whistle fell onto the head of an unattended Ballack but the ball looped tamely into Valdes’s grasp. That had been Chelsea’s clearest chance of the opening period. Into stoppage time and Barcelona received their first booking of this season’s Champions League tournament — van Bronckhorst quite rightly cautioned for a contemptible bodycheck on Essien. Scoreless at the break, there had been cause for optimism over that changing in the 45 minutes that remained. That hope only took a minute to turn into something tangible thanks to Drogba’s unstoppable strike. Just like his Liverpool spectacular, he received the ball on the edge of the area, this time from Ashley Cole, and turned. No chest and volley on this occasion, instead some neat control on the ground but there was no mistaking the hammered shot into the net. Chelsea had maintained our record of scoring first in every meeting between the sides at the Bridge. The celebration was that of someone who valued the goal as highly as any in his career. A Ronaldinho free-kick was flighted straight into palms of Hilario to huge cheers before the card count was evened-up when Lampard fouled Messi. Then Chelsea spurned two great openings in quick succession — first Essien spoiled a great run by being too selfish with Chelsea outnumbering Barça three players to two. Then Shevchenko took a loose touch and shot wide under pressure from Valdes after the excellent Lampard had played him in. Gudjohnsen’s return lasted an hour, replaced by Giuly. Rijkaard minutes earlier had taken off van Bronckhorst for Iniesta and switched to three at the back. Xavi was booked on 65 minutes for tripping Drogba who looked set to add his second three minutes later. That was after twisting past Marquez following a great Lampard pass but the shot lacked the power to beat Valdes. On 73 minutes Barça took off captain Puyol, Oleguer his replacement in the backline. Two minutes later Mourinho made his first change — Robben for Shevchenko. Six minutes from time a Messi header looped onto the roof of the net but Chelsea were preserving the lead without recourse to panic. It would be an exaggeration to suggest the famous Catalan attack was totally shackled, but few teams will keep them this quiet during the season ahead. Deco collected the third booking for the visitors as Essien, as solid as the old Shed End wall, again proved too powerful for the opposition to halt legally. Hilario dropped to gather Deco’s 20-yard drive as the final whistle drew very close and the flags began to wave on mass. Robben was five yards wide from doubling the lead deep into injury time - but one single quality strike was enough and Stamford Bridge cheered the team home. Werder Bremen’s win at home to Levski Sofia left Barcelona level with the Germans — five points behind Chelsea — and under pressure. Chelsea (4-1-2-1-2) Cech; Boulahrouz, Carvalho, Terry (c), A Cole; Makelele; Essien, Lampard; Ballack; Drogba (Kalou 90+1), Shevchenko (Robben 75). Goal Drogba 46. Booked Lampard 52. Barcelona (4-3-3) Valdés; Zambrotta, Márquez, Puyol (Oleguer 73), van Bronckhorst (Iniesta 56); Xavi, Edmilson, Deco; Messi, Gudjohnsen (Giuly 59), Ronaldinho. Booked van Bronckhorst 45, Xavi 65, Deco 85. Chelsea vs Barca 1-0
Be damned. It is after 6 in the morning and yet sleep would not come to me, as I lay on my bed for the past hour. I really wonder if it is a problem. For the past few days, I have been visiting the coffee shop downstairs for breakfast without a good night's sleep. At least I get some satisfaction from a full stomach. And that actually helps me sleep. I spent a good part of the night on the Champions League game Chelsea Vs Barcelona. A match that I have been waiting for since the draw spewed out this fixture back in May. I really like the cohesiveness of Chelsea, as well as the spectacular individual talents. They fought for every ball and once they were in possession, they attacked with such flair and speed that left me in eagar anticipation of a wondrous goal. I am glad that all the Chelsea fans were rewarded by Drogba's beast of a goal. He is fast becoming my favourite player. Even so, I have to admit he looks pretty ugly up front during the end of the match interview. Then again, I appreciate talents and hard work. Talents and hard work. Where are mine?
Today is going to be another hectic day, with me having to settle a few thousands for the trip, then there is a trip to school. And in the evening there would be training. What should I do for training today? My back and arms are still aching from monday's training. Sometimes I wish I am not captain and I can just follow whoever is leading training. But here I am, Captain of the team, I have to lead by example. And in my 23 years, I probably have found out that I am not a very good example. Then again it is Judo. At least it is something I have not let any one including myself down in the past two years. I certainly hope this year will go out with a bang. What am I supposed to be writing? What do people reading this blog like to read about? I was on this book called the Game by Neil Strauss. Pick up artists are something new to me. Apparently there are hordes of guys out there really smooth with women and love nothing more than the challenge of scoring a chick on a night out. It waS quite an amazing book, not in that it offers plenty of pointers on how to approach a woman and really capture her attention. I believe I can do that when I want to but that is not really the point of the book. It explores the emotional vulnerability of the characters and the complexity of the relationships, as relationships go, they quickly go on a downward spiral once you stop treating your partner as an equal. Why am I writing a book review here? I must be too sleepy. Maybe I am just trying to see how fast I can type. Anyway, it does bring across a very good point when it mentions that all of us are in need of love and use all sorts of methods to obtain that elusive affection. From a school boy's crush to a teenager's relently pursue of his object of interests, to a girl's silent but persistent waiting. I also see many examples. I am not focusing on what I am trying to say. Maybe sleep is slowly creeping up on me. That book does not really apply here because the girls in the book have a different set of values. Sleeping around is really normal over in the land where the skin is fair with freckles and hair color range from brown to golden. Pick up artists remind me of Raymond. A great pal of mine, having spent many nights sleeping beside me, yah I really mean physically beside me. Not some out of mind zen concept. well to call Raymond an artist would be tad too generous, considering that I hold some of his darkest secrets and picking up girls is really something he is trying very hard to get the hang of. I hold secrets of many. From wankers to lovers. I do know them all. My favourite line when trying to squeeze a secret out would be: there is no one for me to tell, I can even offer you good opinion. Then you divulge a really insignificant information about yourself, trying to make it sound really important,all the better if it appears downright silly. After a few minutes of cajoling and you-can-trust me looks, the person's defense would be penetrated. This is especially so if in the first place he is willing to let people know he has a secret. That would mean he must be willing to share. However if resistence is stout, then go for the trade-you-a-secret tactic. Tell him a highly guarded secret another friend told you, bring him into the circle of trust and wheedle the secret out of him. My middle finger on the right hand is deformed. The phalanges joint is enlarged. Maybe one of these days I can put it to use with good effect. Thou shalt not put down too much here, but a really divine plan hit me while I was in bed just now. It is so divine that it seems devilish. December is coming fast. I have a concert appointment with Wakin/Emil/Zhou Hua Jian! My favourite singer. I wonder if he is going to release a new album to coincide with his concert or if he is just going to spend all the time preparing for it. I used to be able to sing at least 3 songs from each of his albums. Recent years with the advent of Kboxes, I find no need to commit songs to memory, especially not that lyrics. Anyway the last time I watched his concert I had to leave before I ascertain there was no encore. It was something gnawing at me, what if I had left and he reappears on stage with another string of his best songs? Not a thoroughly enjoyable experience, but it was with a friend and her mum, what can I complain about? Especially when I was driven home. But then to miss even 5 minutes of his concerts is unforgivable! haha , this time round I shall enjoy the whole of the concert! Hope my lub lub will not tickle me during the concert. I tried recording his concert last time roound but the recorded sound was terrible. Hopefully I can do something about it next time. Then I will be going on a trip with my parents to malaysia. Some friend's wedding. I shall go there as the most eligible and promising son of singapore. I always like to be outstanding when I meet my parents' friends and their children. Sad to say, the company my dad keep doesn't really inspire excellent progeny. On my Guanhong, I just checked my email. There is actually a visit to the Health promotion board. It is today at 2pm. There is introduction to physical activity, smoking control, and the preventive health sciences. I guess what I will see does not really fall in line with what I have been going. So I think I shall just pass that on. Just a few weeks ago LJ told me Jerry is going Australia to study medicine. Ah, another of my AJ friend going to be a doctor. There is Elaine, Amy, Janine, Choon Khiong and of course there is myself. A quarter of my class doing medicine, I guess it will really be a pleasure to meet these people in the hospital next time. Should I adress them as Doctor Loo, Doctor Kee or just by name? Or even better, nicknames! Anyway I do not yet have a nickname for Jerry. He is one rich fella I guess. I wonder what is he going to do with his tuition business. It seems to me some people can never get into medicine how they try, maybe they can if they try a few more time or a few more years.. and how it is easy for some. Heard somewhere the system over in Aussie is much more flexible and does not emphasize so much on hard core facts. I would relish that, but I guess an agile mind is not so agile without the springboard of cold hard facts. As i always realised during my rare forays back to school. Intelligent deductions were made on the basis of superior knowledge, not necessary a superior mind. Of which currently I possess neither. I do possess however a superior appetite. In december there is also the call up back to army. I wonder when will I get my Captain rank and the salutes that accompany the rank. I do not really fancy any stint in army how ever short. Thank Guanhong for polyclinics and medical certificates. And finally there is a trip to Yunnan again. Anywhere overseas with mountains and sea, I would gladly accept and swap for Singapore, at least for a few weeks. I just had a realization a few seconds ago. I was very driven last few years, I probably took more tuitions and made more money than some of my comtemporaries and I think slightly more than half the population of Singapore. I was very driven because I just want to show others I can do what they cannot do. right Now I am slacking off, because my priorities might have changed. I still want to do what others cannot do, and that is the pursuit of happiness. It is not about making lots of money, though lots of money probably can make any one happy. Happiness is just about happiness, You earn money for many reasons but you dont try to be happy because of any thing else other than it being a necessity to be happy. Of course an exception would be to make others happy. Gifting to those who desire joy,through an unselfish act is happiness too. Right now I think it is too early to talk about bringing relief to people in Yunnan. Not when my stomach is growling. I better bring some joy to it. Tata Sunday, October 15, 2006吻下去爱上你
渺小的我只忠于自己人世间却容不下一段传奇 有人说该忘了你我宁愿忘记了我无知 失去了你讨好整个天地有什么值得了不起 *我不顾一切让世界停止也要换你一个坚持 人生的结局不相聚就是分离也总算留下了相爱的痕迹 有人说我该放弃要反悔比执迷还容易 最难的是失去爱的能力在孤独里醉生梦死 repeat *,* 全世界都在等着我看着你让我吻下去爱上你 A whole load of crap
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. This was read to the Yunnan group last year, read every day by our lovely leader Jingjing. She is currently in Australia or New zealand. I have been meaning to write her an email for ages and yet have not been getting down to it. Recently I have been procrastinating alot. Really lazy. Some people wonder if I am in medicine at all. I hardly go to school for lectures. Only the meetings for Yunnan and Judo in the late afternoon will I make an effort to travel down. I am really in an enviable position. I am well on course to achieve almost everything I set out to do, and yet now when I am required to put in the most effort, I am found lacking in spirit. This lack of enthusiasm could well be my downfall. I am trying to shake off the lathargicity that I have taken so much care to cultivate over the past few months. I have no idea why I am still blogging. Usually that is a task I reserve for periods of inactivity. When I have absolutely nothing more important things to do other than to announce to the whole world what I am doing. Maybe bloggers are egomaniacs, thinking that what transpired in their lives are worthy of everyone's attention. Some people are bored enough to read. Maybe that is why. Certainly I am an egomaniac. I do not like competition. Because I think no one is good enough if I care to try. Shoot me. I am such a self assured delusional ass. Of course I do not go around declaring to everyone , anything you can do , I can do better. I am a closet swanker. Not wanker. I am glad that the mid autumn festival project got on to such a resounding success. The profits are almost triple that of a normal project. It was pure luck that I am the group in charge. That quite a few people felt that the profit margin versus effort is too low and had vehemently advised us against embarking on this project. And we just did it anyway. I seem to be ignoring a lot of advice recently. Most of them are good actually. Someone had commented that I am never stressed. Nothing that I cannot do with a bit of effort and actually doing it. No sweat. But now the getting down and doing it seem to be getting quite hard. There is still the inter varsity competition to organise. There is still a combined martial arts camp to think about. I am the new project director for combined martial arts display next year. There is Yunnan 2006. Did I mention my studies? I seem to be doing everythign but studying for the past few months. Now I seem to be doing nothing but.. no . no buts, not even studying. Good job. A fool proof recipe for catastrophe. I am glad to be rid of two tuitions, but I still have 3 left. It was something I was very good at and enjoyed doing. I used to find it amusing when I told people I was going for tuition during my army days and some had asked if I was the student. Yes I was moonlighting. Something not condoned by the army. So what. I know at least half the camp does that. Maybe thats why I am in such a position to flout rules. I know your little dark secrets.. Anyway I am getting more and more tired of teaching. A profession I would have not hesitate to enter. Maybe my students are getting crappier. I like macdonalds and long john silvers. Especially if I can have my tuitions there. Occasionally it would be MOS and everyone is so wonderful. Nowadays, there are some teenage horrors in our jcs. Ever heard of the headless zombies? I encountered a few brainless zombies before though. Certainly I would be fired on the spot if the parents have access to some of the more murderous thoughts that accompany my exaspiration sometimes. I used to be more caring and patient. I did not hesitate putting in a few more half hours just to ensure they understand. BUt now I am less loving and not as enduring. But I am more efficient and more expensive. It is certainly not all about money unless there is a lot of it. Where are my ideals? Well they used to be colorful and exciting. Now they are less colorful but colorful nonetheless: green and red and blue and with words like Monetary Authorities of Singapore. And exciting when I think of how many ipods and xbox360 I can get with each salary. Nevermind that, my students are still getting their As and Bs, that is all that matters aint it? Guess I won't be winnning the best teacher award this year. There are a few people I am really wanting to meet. My old friends. I never seem to have time for many people. People I really miss. There is anand, back in malaysia finally. When ever someone mentions rebonding, I would think of his dark, wet and shiny curly locks and our threats of making them real silky and straight. Elaine just left for UK again and I missed our appointments coz I was too busy. Think it pissed her off a bit, maybe just a bit. My apologizes. Then there is Amy who sometimes msg me online and I will take forever to reply. Usually forever means a few weeks. And she will just be screaming and and nuking my screen. I just miss her. As in I just failed to notice her. Then there is Irwin kenneth meikhay and jez and zhian. We are all adults! Can you believe it, I thought it was just a while back when we were pissing off overhead bridges and fighting with pplastic swords. A few of my pri sch classmates are working in the CBD! Central business district. Secretaries, bakers, no bankers i mean, financial officers and so on and so forth. There is Jez who is in an arts/ threatre productions company if I never fail to remember correctly. and Meikhay who is a professional speaker! Then there is edelene and siru and yishan. Why do I have so much time? It is 2 am in the morning already. For me my usual bedtime would be at dawn, how unlike a vampire. I shall try to change that today. Goodnight Saturday, October 14, 2006
Just imagine sitting in traffic on your way to work and hearing this. Many Sydney folks DID hear this on the FOX FM morning show in Sydney. The DJs play a game where they award winners great prizes. The game is called "Mate Match". The DJs call someone at work and ask if they are married or seriously involved with someone. If the contestant answers "yes", he or she is then asked 3 random yet highly personal questions. The person is also asked to divulge the name of their partner (with phone number) for verification. If their partner answers those same three questions correctly, they both win the prize. One particular game, however, several months ago made the City of Big Shoulders drop to its knees with laughter and is possibly the funniest thing I've heard yet. Anyway, here's how it all went down: DJ: "Hey! This is Ed on FOX-FM. Have you ever heard of 'Mate Match'?" Contestant: (laughing) "Yes, I have." DJ: "Great! Then you know we're giving away a trip to the Gold Coast if you win. What is your name? First only please." Contestant: "Brian." DJ: "Brian, are you married or what?" Brian: "Yes." DJ: "Yes? Does that mean you're married or you're what?" Brian: (laughing nervously) "Yes, I am married." DJ: "Thank you. Now, what is your wife's name? First only please." Brian: "Sara." DJ: "Is Sara at work, Brian?" Brian: "She is gonna kill me." DJ: "Stay with me here, Brian! Is she at work?" Brian: (laughing) "Yes, she's at work." DJ: "Okay, first question - when was the last time you had sex?" Brian: "She is gonna kill me." DJ: "Brian! Stay with me here!" Brian: "About 8 o'clock this morning." DJ: "Atta boy, Brian." Brian: (laughing sheepishly) "Well..." DJ: "Question #2 - How long did it last?" Brian: "About 10 minutes." DJ: "Wow! You really want that trip, huh? No one would ever have said that if a trip wasn't at stake." Brian: "Yeah, that trip sure would be nice." DJ: "Okay. Final question. Where did you have sex at 8 o'clock this morning?" Brian: (laughing hard) "I, ummm, I, well..." DJ: "This sounds good, Brian. Where was it at?" Brian: "Not that it was all that great, but her mom is staying with Us for a couple of weeks..." DJ: "Uh huh..." Brian: "...and the Mother-In-Law was in the shower at the time." DJ: "Atta boy, Brian." Brian: "On the kitchen table." DJ: "Not that great?? That is more adventure than the previous hundred times I've done it. Okay folks, I will put Brian on hold, get this wife's work number and call her up. You listen to this." 3 minutes of commercials follow. DJ: "Okay audience, let's call Sarah, shall we?" (touch tones.....ringing....) Clerk: "Kinkos." DJ: "Hey, is Sarah around there somewhere?" Clerk: "This is she." DJ: "Sarah, this is Ed with FOX-FM. We are live on the air right Now and I've been talking with Brian for a couple of hours now." Sarah: (laughing) "A couple of hours?" DJ: "Well, a while now. He is on the line with us. Brian knows not to give any answers away or you'll lose. Sooooooo... do you know the rules of'Mate Match'?" Sarah: "No." DJ: "Good!" Brian: (laughing) Sarah: (laughing) "Brian, what the hell are you up to?" Brian (laughing) "Just answer his questions honestly, okay? Be completely honest." DJ: "Yeah yeah yeah. Sure. Now, I will ask you 3 questions, Sarah. If your answers match Brian's answers, then the both of you will be off to the Gold Coast for 5days on us. Sarah: (laughing) "Yes." DJ: "Alright. When did you last have sex, Sarah?" Sarah: "Oh God, Brian....uh, this morning before Brian went to work." DJ: "What time?" Sarah: "Around 8 this morning." DJ: "Very good. Next question. How long did it last?" Sarah: "12, 15 minutes maybe." DJ: "Hmmmm. That's close enough. I am sure she is trying to protect his manhood. We've got one last question, Sarah. You are one question away from a trip to the Gold Coast. Are you ready?" Sarah: (laughing) "Yes." DJ: "Where did you have it?" Sarah: "OH MY GOD, BRIAN!! You didn't tell them that, did you?" Brian: "Just tell him, honey." DJ: "What is bothering you so much, Sarah?" Sarah: "Well..." DJ: Come on Sarah.....where did you have it? Sarah: "Up the a*se....." After a long pause, the DJ said, "Folks, we need to take a station break" _ Thursday, October 12, 2006Friday, October 06, 2006It is so true
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much that they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 4. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 5. You mean the world to someone. 6. If not for you, someone may not be living. 7. You are special and unique. 8. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you trust God to do what's best, and wait on His time, sooner or later, you will get it or something better. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look; you most likely turned your back on the world. 11. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you. 12. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. 13. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel 爉uch better when they know and you'll both be happy. 14. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. Tuesday, October 03, 2006Last minute MAF!
虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。 你在月下匆匆的走过,身后留下了拉长的背影, 是否想过停下匆忙的脚步,来享受朋友送来的祝福! 采一朵鲜花供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上, 斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份中秋的祝福圆你梦乡, 我的朋友,你的幸福就是我最大的希望。 月光中树荫下,我真心的为你许下三个愿望: 一愿美梦好似月儿圆, 二愿日子更比月饼甜, 三愿美貌犹如月中仙。 中秋谜语:口插一把剑,禾边火一束,人旁双土堆,草底半耳露;吉下二十口 ,广大不分首, 口含才一个,元宝方框留 。(一句打一字,合为一个节日祝语,谜底在本贺卡内) 在皎洁的月下,喜欢静静的想念, 圆圆的月亮,恰似你深深的眼眸, 距离无法阻隔我对你的思念, 此时此刻的你,又在做些什么呢? 月光朦胧,飞花片片,每每这时,便有更多思念, 如果此刻无法与亲人团聚,那就送些祝福给他们! 声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予, 虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。 Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month in the lunar calendar. Being on the 15th , it is always a full moon. Mid-Autumn Festival is the great time for children, lovers and the wedding party. Regarding to the children, they have a big lantern procession or competition in the neighborhood streets. The lovers have theeir dates out cruising in the streets and enjoying the lanterns in the markets. That day is the most popular day for wedding. It is still puzzling me why the women like to choose that day to get married. Legend: About 3,000 years ago in China, Hou Ngai () was a powerful hero sent from Heavenly God (Emperor Yük ) to the earth to save people. He was famous for shooting down nine out of ten suns to save farmers and animals on earth from the unbearably scorching heat of all these extra suns. The people loved him and crowned him as the Emperor, and his wife Chang-O () as the Queen of them. Chang-O was a beautiful woman with a kind heart. Hau Ngai became obnoxious and greedy for power when years went by. He loved power and control, and made the people die for him. Hau Ngai wanted to be become immortal and live forever. He got an immortal pill, which was hidden in a secret urn. Chang-O found out this secret . She took the pill, with her mind to save the people in the country. After swallowing the pill, Chang-O became lighter and lighter and flew up in the sky and landed on the moon. Actually, we could say Chang-O was the first one landing on the moon, not those American Astronaunts in 1960s! There's many versions of this story; above was the one I was told when I was a kid. I remember I went to a Chinese movie in 1960s about this story. History: Back in the end of Mongol Yuan Dynasty after the great time of Marco Polo's visit, the Han people with other minorities became intolerant of the Mongols' brutal maintenance of China. Some revolutionaries planned to use this Festival as an opportunity to organize uprisings. What did they use to communicate without being caught and beheaded? Moon cakes (uët péng ) were made and eaten at that time (see Food). The bakers put a note detailing the plans of the revolution inside the center of each cake and sold them in the markets mainly with all the locals. Celebration: When I was young, my parents brought me and my siblings to a market of lanterns where we found paper lanterns made in different shapes and in different kinds of animals, but no dinosaurus. Some were made as helicopters, airplanes, or boats. They made the most popular lanterns according to the Chinese constellation of that year. Like the year of Rabbits, they used a lot of tissue papper and translucent paper to make a rabbit about 1 foot tall and 11 inches times fourteen inches in area. This was big enough for a child to lift it by a bamboo stick or to pull it. Of course, we had those traditional plain colors rounded or ovaled folded up lanterns as well. Those were very cheap, but they gave children a lot of pleasure and excitement. The big time began when the sun set around 7:00 p.m. ( mid September in U.S.) In Hong Kong, the streets were very narrow and busy. It was dangerous for the children to walk and proceed like kids in North America during Halloween time. Instead, after a quick dinner, the children of a whole high-rise compound got together and went up to the roof top garden and celebrated there. Some patrolled down to the parks nearby. The children held up their lit lanterns with a thin bamboo stick. They sang, screamed and laughed along the whole way. The parents set up a food table where we found the most popular fruits like lychee, pomelos, oranges, apples, starfruits, Japanese pears, lüng ngaån(), and grapes. We had nuts like horns of a bull (lïng kwok), walnuts, and peanuts. Of course, the moon cakes were the main characters. It was also the tradition for the married girls to go back and visit their own families. The sons-in-law carried boxes of moon cakes to present to their in-laws with gratitudes, I suppose. I remembered my aunt and her husband brought a box of moon cake called 'Seven stars and a moon' (). Seven little moon cakes with different fillings circled around a most beautifully decorated one. It was quite expensive for a common worker to consume a box. Moon cakes were not made cheap in 1960s - 1980s. My grandmother joined in a moon cake association and paid by installments to get a dozen boxes of moon cakes. They sold out easily. Usually, the majority of the items sold were the gift present, and the actual consumption was low -- a lot of waste in the trash. Celebration in U.S.: I introduced this celebration to my husband and he loves to eat moon cake; of course, any American loves sweets! He especially loves lotus seed paste, so this is great for him. Every year since we had our daughter, we tried to hunt for lanterns and hang them up on a rope, dangling between two trees or attached to nails on our home's walls. We lit the candles inside the lanterns when the sun set. Each year, we have arranged the lanterns in different patterns. Last year, I invited a lot of children around my kids' ages, and had a lot of fun. I really regret that in the U.S. I cannot find lanterns in the shape of animals, like what I used to have when I was a kid. Delicacies made in animal shapes were also my preference. My husband loves durian (). So, as part of the celebration, he hunts for these exotic Southeast Asian fruits and has started our American-Chinese version of celebration in our family. Mid Autumn festival is actually a celebration of harvest for the Chinese. It is a fun time for children. Lantern Ceremony
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